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Caring for children with life-limiting and life-threatening illnessed: What the GP should know

Michelle Adrienne Meiring


Although Paediatric Palliative Care is a rapdly developing specialty worldwide it is unlikely that specialists will be able to care for all children with life threatening and life limiting illnesses. The GP has a valuable role to play from the time of diagnosis through to death and into bereavment. This article provides an overview of key skills that the GP requires to manage these children and support their families. These include breaking bad news, disclosure, dealing with collusion, pain and symptom control, terminal care and bereavement support.

Author's affiliations

Michelle Adrienne Meiring, Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital, UCT

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Paediatric Palliative Care; life threatening; life limiting; pain and symptom control; psycho-social support; end of life care; disease trajectory, breaking bad news, BREAKS; anticipatory grief; disclosure; collusion; good death; PEPSI-COLA; bereavement

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Continuing Medical Education 2011;29(7):286, 288-290.

Article History

Date submitted: 2011-05-24
Date published: 2011-07-21

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