CME 2325

Pre-diabetes and the metabolic syndrome

V Gounden, MB ChB (Natal), FCP (Chem Path), MMed(Chem Path)

Consultant Pathologist, Department of Chemical Pathology, Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital, National Health Laboratory Service and University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban


Correspondence to: V Gounden (



The American Diabetes Association (ADA) defines pre-diabetes as a fasting plasma glucose (FPG) ≥5.6 mmol/l but <7.0 mmol/l, which is termed impaired fasting glycaemia (IFG), or an abnormal 2-hour response to a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) of at least 7.8 mmol/l and <11.1 mmol/l, which is termed impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), or an HbA1c of 5.7 - 6.4%.1 It is used to identify individuals with a greater risk of developing overt type 2 diabetes and also those at increased cardiovascular risk.2 Pre-diabetes represents a continuum in the spectrum between normoglycaemia and overt hyperglycaemia.2  

IFG/IGT is a characteristic feature of the metabolic syndrome (MetS).3 The term MetS refers to a clustering of specific cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors.3 The growing epidemic of obesity has fuelled the increase and interest in both pre-diabetes and MetS. The various criteria for MetS from different organisations are given in Table 1.

Laboratory investigations

Tests for insulin resistance

Insulin resistance is a feature common to both pre-diabetes and MetS and is regarded as being key in the pathogenesis of both conditions. No single laboratory test can be used to diagnose insulin resistance. Diagnosis is based on clinical findings corroborated with laboratory tests.8

• Impaired fasting glucose is characterised by fasting blood glucose values of ≥5.6 mmol/l and <7 mmol/l, based on a formal laboratory test glucose sample.1

• IGT – this is determined with the OGTT (also used in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus). After an overnight fast patients are given a standard dose
(75 g) of glucose in 200 ml of water; plasma glucose is measured before ingestion and 2 hours thereafter. OGTT is more sensitive and specific; however, it is less reproducible and more time consuming, expensive and inconvenient. In addition, prior daily carbohydrate intake must be at least 150 g for two weeks to obtain valid test results.

• HbA1c – global efforts to standardise the measuring and reporting of HbA1c have seen this marker being included in the ADA criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes and the assessment of pre-diabetes.

• The gold standard for determining insulin resistance is the hyper-
insulinaemic euglycaemic clamp study. Clamp studies specifically measure whole body insulin-mediated glucose uptake under controlled conditions of a combined glucose and insulin infusion.9 However, these tests are too laborious for routine use and are rarely used in clinical practice. Various mathematical models have been used to determine formulas to act as surrogate markers of insulin resistance/sensitivity using fasting insulin and glucose measurements. One that is most often used is the homeostatic model assessment (HOMA) (Table 2).

• The measurement of insulin is hampered by the fact that it is an immunoassay and therefore the methods used and results generated may vary considerably from one laboratory to another (owing to a lack of assay standardisation).

• C-peptide – it ispart of the pro-insulin precursor molecule and released in equimolar amounts with insulin. C-peptide does not influence plasma glucose levels but is utilised as a marker of insulin production when measured in conjunction with glucose levels.8


The lipid profile associated with MetS is raised fasting triglycerides and low concentrations of HDL cholesterol. Other lipoprotein abnormalities, e.g. increased remnant lipo-proteins, elevated apolipoprotein B, small LDL particles, and small HDL particles, have also been documented.7 Although all of these have been implicated as being independently atherogenic, they do not form part of the diagnostic criteria for MetS and most are not routinely measured in laboratories.  

Table 1. Different criteria for the diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome

Clinical measure




Combined IDF, AHA/NHLBI (2009) 7 (3 out of 5 criteria)

Elevated waist circumference (WC)

WC >102 cm (men)

WC >88 cm (women)

WC ≥94 cm for Europid men

WC ≥80 cm for Europid women, with ethnicity-specific values for other groups

Waist:hip ratio > 0.9 in men and >0.85 in women

BMI >30 kg/m2

Population- and country-specific definitions

Elevated tiglycerides

≥1.7 mmol/l

≥1.7 mmol/l or on drug therapy for high triglycerides

≥1.7 mmol/l

≥1.7 mmol/l or on drug therapy for high triglycerides

Reduced HDL-C

<1 mmol/l in men

< 1.3 mmol/l in women

<1.03 mmol/l in men

<1.29 mmol/l in women, or specific treatment

<0.9 mmol/l in men

<1.0 mmol/l in women

<1 mmol/l in men

<1.3 mmol/l in women

Elevated blood pressure

Systolic ≥130 mmHg

Diastolic ≥85 mmHg or on medication

Systolic ≥130/diastolic ≥85 mmHg/on antihypertensives

Systolic ≥140 mmHg

Diastolic ≥90 mmHg/on medication

Systolic ≥130 mmHg

Diastolic ≥85 mmHg

Elevated FPG

Insulin resistance (IR)


FPG ≥5.6 mmol/l, or previously diagnosed type 2 diabetes

IR identified by one of the following: type 2 diabetes/IFG/IGT

≥5.6 mmol/l




Urinary albumin excretion rate ≥20 µg /min

Albumin:creatinine ratio ≥3.4 mg/mmol


Table 2. Some surrogate markers for determination of insulin resistance/sensitivity 8

HOMA1-IR (insulin resistance) = (FPI* × FPG)/22.5

HOMA1-%B (B cell function) = (20 × FPI*)/(FPG − 3.5)

Quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI) = 1/[log(FPI) + log(FPG)]

*FPI – fasting plasma insulin.


Microalbumin – the presence of urinary microalbumin is part of the WHO diagnostic criteria for MetS. It is measured using an early morning spot collection as a urine albumin:creatinine ratio or with a 24-hour urine collection and should be confirmed on at least two occasions. Microalbuminuria is a prognostic marker for CVD, a marker of incipient renal disease and a marker of inflammation. 

C-reactive protein (CRP) – pre-diabetes and MetS are recognised as pro-inflammatory states. Obesity is related to increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and decreased production of the anti-inflammatory cytokine adiponectin by adipose tissue. Pro-inflammatory states are associated with increased cardiovascular risk and increased CRP levels. The measurement of high sensitivity CRP (hs CRP) has been recommended to assist in stratifying the risk for CVD.7

Uric acid – hyperuricaemia is commonly associated with MetS and has been postulated to play a causal role.

Diagnostic controversies

The criteria for pre-diabetes and MetS have evolved over the years and complete consensus regarding the definitions still has to be reached. 

Overlap of IFG and IGT

There is controversy with regard to which test should be performed – fasting blood glucose (determining IFG) or OGTT (determining IGT). However, since the OGTT is a challenge test, it is likely that the detection rate will be higher. Generally, among subjects screened using IGT, only 20 - 25% have FPG levels that would indicate impaired fasting glucose. In subjects screened with IFG, <50% have a postprandial 2-hour glucose level of ≥7.8 mmol/l.2 Also, the diagnosis of subjects screened using the HbA1c criterion has been shown to not be completely consistent with IFG and IGT methods for the diagnosis/screening of pre-diabetes.9

    1. American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in diabetes –2010. Diabetes Care 2010;33(Suppl 1):S11-61.

    1. American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in diabetes –2010. Diabetes Care 2010;33(Suppl 1):S11-61.

    2. ArodaVR, Ratner R. Approach to patient with prediabetes. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2008;93:3259-3265.

    2. ArodaVR, Ratner R. Approach to patient with prediabetes. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2008;93:3259-3265.

    3. Reaven GM. The metabolic syndrome: Requiescat in pace. Clin Chem 2005;6:931-938.

    3. Reaven GM. The metabolic syndrome: Requiescat in pace. Clin Chem 2005;6:931-938.

    4. Third report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) expert panel on detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood cholesterol in adults (Adult Treatment Panel III) Final report. Circulation 2002;106:3143-3421.

    4. Third report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) expert panel on detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood cholesterol in adults (Adult Treatment Panel III) Final report. Circulation 2002;106:3143-3421.

    5. International Diabetes Federation Worldwide Definition of the Metabolic syndrome 2006. (accessed 12 February 2012).

    5. International Diabetes Federation Worldwide Definition of the Metabolic syndrome 2006. (accessed 12 February 2012).

    6. World Health Organization/International Diabetes Federation. Definition and diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and intermediate hyperglycaemia: report of theWHO/IDF consultation. (accessed 16 February 2012).

    6. World Health Organization/International Diabetes Federation. Definition and diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and intermediate hyperglycaemia: report of theWHO/IDF consultation. (accessed 16 February 2012).

    7. Alberti K, Eckel R, Grundy S, et al. Harmonizing the Metabolic Syndrome : A Joint Interim Statement of the International Diabetes Federation Task Force on Epidemiology and Prevention; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; American Heart Association; World Association for the Study of Obesit Heart Federation; International Atherosclerosis Society; and International Association for the study of Obesity. Circulation 2009;120:1640-1645.

    7. Alberti K, Eckel R, Grundy S, et al. Harmonizing the Metabolic Syndrome : A Joint Interim Statement of the International Diabetes Federation Task Force on Epidemiology and Prevention; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; American Heart Association; World Association for the Study of Obesit Heart Federation; International Atherosclerosis Society; and International Association for the study of Obesity. Circulation 2009;120:1640-1645.

    8. Wilcox G. Insulin and insulin resistance. Clin Biochem Reviews 2005;26:19-39.

    8. Wilcox G. Insulin and insulin resistance. Clin Biochem Reviews 2005;26:19-39.

    9. Sang Youl Rhee, Jeong-Taek Woo. The prediabetic period: Review of clinical aspects. Diabetes and Metabolism 2011;35:107-116

    9. Sang Youl Rhee, Jeong-Taek Woo. The prediabetic period: Review of clinical aspects. Diabetes and Metabolism 2011;35:107-116


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