Vol 28, No 1 (2010)

The best of 2009

Table of Contents


Cover PDF


Contents PDF

Editors comment

Questionable judgement PDF
Bridget Farham 5

Main articles

The ABC of benign breast disease PDF
A Ndhluni 6
An approach to chronic otitis media with effusion - the pros and cons of grommets PDF
D Mol 9
Chronic idiopathic constipation PDF
D Epstein 13
Diagnosing allergic rhinitis - is there a need? PDF
G Davis 18
Common parasitic infections in the HIV-infected patient PDF
G Maartens 21
Parasites and the skin PDF
D Modi 24
Refractory gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: a major management issue in clinical practice PDF
C van Rensburg 30
Parasitic diseases in the returning traveller PDF
M P Grobusch 34
Women's health PDF
C Thomas 38


Abstracts PDF

AIDS briefs

AIDS briefs PDF
Bridget Farham 41

News bites

News bites PDF
Chris Bateman 43

CPD Questionnaire

CPD Questionnaire PDF